Ashborough East (AE) was established on September 27, 1979 by Westvaco Development Corporation (WDC) on forest lands it owned near Summerville. At the time of development, WDC filed a “Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions” with Dorchester County.

This document, with amendments to date, established authority of the AE Homeowners Association Board to conduct community business, as well as enforce community appearance Covenants as described in Section VII of the AE Covenants and Bylaws.

In order to provide uniform on-going enforcement, an Architectural Review Board (ARB) was set up and authorized to carry out review duties on behalf of the Board as described in Article VI, Section 2e, as follows:
Section 2: The Association has the responsibility for and shall provide the following services: . . .

Paragraph e: The setting up and operation of an Architectural Review Board (ARB) which will exercise the architectural review and approval required under Article VII. In the event approval is not granted to an applicant by the ARB, the applicant may formally appeal this decision to the Board of Directors. Such appeal must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors by the applicant. This appeal will be reviewed by a majority of the Board of Directors (3 or more) and at least one (1) member of the ARB at their earliest convenience. The applicant may also address the Board at the meeting. The Board members present will vote on the appeal at the meeting, with a majority determining final approval or denial.”

Since incorporation in 1979, the ARB has ensured that an orderly process of architectural review has been carried out in accordance with Community Covenants as described in Section VII. This has created a high quality appearance for Ashborough East, benefitting both property values and the natural landscape character of the community.

As a condition of purchasing a home in Ashborough East, every homeowner signs an agreement at closing which states the homeowner understands the legal obligation to comply with the Community Covenants. The Covenants require adherence to the ARB review and approval process for exterior changes to property, which includes both house and lot.

ARB review process description and documentation
The ARB review process is mandated in the Covenants – Article VII in the paragraph entitled “Approval of Plans by the Association”, which states:

Approval of Plans by the Association: No construction, reconstruction, remodeling, alteration, or addition to any structures, building, fence, wall, road, drive, path, or improvement of any nature (including changes to exterior colors) shall be commenced without obtaining the prior written approval of the Association as to location, plans, and specifications. As a prerequisite to consideration for approval, and prior to beginning any contemplated work, a complete set of plans and specifications must be submitted to the Association. The Association shall be the sole arbiter of such plans and may withhold approval for any reason, including purely aesthetic consideration. Upon giving approval, construction shall be started and prosecuted, promptly, and in strict conformity with such plans. The Association shall be entitled to stop any construction in violation of these restrictions.”

Through the years, the ARB has found the most Covenants-compliant outcome in the review process is obtained when homeowners refer to and understand the Covenants and clearly-worded supplemental Board-approved ARB Guidelines in advance of submitting an ARB application for review. Homeowner understanding of ARB review requirements has been made easier by posting the Covenants and all ARB Guideline information on this community website.

The goal of the ARB review process is Covenants and Guideline compliance.  The Covenants and Guidelines are written to ensure that any change in property appearance enhances the character of the property and neighborhood.

  • For example, any additions or outbuildings must match the design, detailing, and materials of the existing house.
  • Likewise, and of key importance, is the landscape character and appearance of yards and the public streetscape when tree removal applications are considered.
  • Relandscaping and new tree planting may be made a condition for ARB removal approval if a highly-prized tree species or specimen (Live Oak, Beech, etc.) must be removed for reasons set forth in the Guidelines.
  • Structures built or erected or changes made without ARB review, unauthorized cutting of trees, or unapproved landscaping and hardscaping are subject to ARB intervention and remedial action.  They are often the result of homeowner misunderstandings regarding his or her legal obligation to comply with our Community Covenants and ARB Guidelines and participate in the ARB review process. The ARB is here to assist all homeowners to ensure projects meet the requirements of the Covenants and guidelines.

ARB application forms, guidelines, and information follow.  Any questions should be directed to the ARB Chairperson noted below.

FOR GENERAL information and overall guidance

FOR EXTERIOR house changes or additions including (but not limited to) porches, decks, patios, driveways, fences, outbuildings, sheds, detached garages, doghouses, play structures, tree houses, gazebos, pergolas, pools, driveway entrance piers, concrete slabs, etc.

FOR TREE removals and trimming

FOR FRONT & SIDE YARD appearance and street-visible elements

ARB Approvals List as of May 24, 2024.

Click here for a list of service contractors who have been recommended by AE neighbors.  This list is password protected.  Call the ARB Chairperson for the password.  The ARB is interested in expanding this list with recent recommendations.  If you have a contractor you would like to recommend, please email the ARB with contact details and contractor services provided.

Chairperson: John Mojonnier:  843-821-1275  cell: 770-841-5530
Member: Don Baus  843-530-3767