AEHA Property Manager:
Lauren Hardy
ARCHITECTUAL REVIEW BOARD: For questions about Architectural Review (such as tree cutting, fences, or alterations to exterior of your house or property), contact the AEHA Architectural Review Board (ARB): For application forms see the ARB section of our website. John Mojonnier continues as our ARB chair.
AEHA Board of Directors:
Please note that the 3rd Monday of each month will be the board’s normal meeting date. You can also check the calendar. Note there is no board meeting in July and December.
Join our Facebook Group in Ashborough East
click here for Architectural Review Board (ARB) information
Attn: Closing Attorneys and new home buyers! The AEHA 2024 annual dues are $550.00. There is a $195 fee payable to our management company at the time of closing for their service in providing “Estoppel Letter” confirming the status of dues and any fees or assessments. Here is a link to the Ashborough East Covenants. To request any further information please contact ROG Coastal Property Management at
Office hours are Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm.
Take a minute to look around the website or use some of these quick help links:
Architectural Review board info (ARB forms)
Contact Information
AEHA Newsletter (password required)*
Recommended Contractors (password required)*
* If you are an Ashborough East resident and lack this information, please check the last Community Newsletter mail-out or contact Ashborough East HA .